Case Author Note – DxR Clinician Headache Case Series

“Headache is a high volume, high risk problem for healthcare systems. In all age groups the incidence of primary headache is higher than the incidence of secondary headache. However, diagnosing a headache as primary based on likelihood alone can lead to missed or delayed diagnosis of a secondary headache, which in turn can have serious consequences for the patient, as well as the provider and the healthcare system. The set of headache cases in DxR Clinician was designed to emphasize the difference between the classic types of primary headaches and to compare the classic primary headaches to one case of a secondary headache. The expectation is that the learner who completes the set of cases will improve his/her confidence that s/he can accurately differentiate between primary and secondary headaches.” Cris Anderson, MD

More at:, Evaluation of headache in adults, last updated 31 MAR 2023, literature review current through NOV 2023, prevalence of headache: an update, with analysis of the influences of methodological factors on prevalence estimates, published 12 APR 2022 international classification of headache disorders-3

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