See you at Sigma 2021!

Stop by Booth 411 at the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing 46th Biannual convention in Indianapolis November 6 though the 10. Click here to see how DxR Nursing SELECT and our other products can help you meet the new educational challenges.

DxR Group will be at ELC 2021 Atlanta, Oct 22 & 23!

Come talk to me at the DxR booth to hear the latest about the Virtual Physical Therapy program. This program, used to teach and evaluate PT students, will help you evaluate students’ clinical reasoning skills. This fall, we are releasing the English and Chinese language versions with updated physical exams AND a pediatric template. Thank you!Jeanne […]

DxR Development Group is attending ‘2021 NONPF 47th Annual Conference: New Frontiers for NP Education’ April 21-24, 2021′

Hello!  If there ever was a year to prompt the exploration of new frontiers of education, the COVID-19 Year has been it. That’s why DxR Development Group is attending NONPF’s 47th Annual Conference this April 21-24. NONPF is ‘The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties’, one of whose goals is to ‘promote excellence in NP […]