DxR Development Group is attending ‘2021 NONPF 47th Annual Conference: New Frontiers for NP Education’ April 21-24, 2021′



If there ever was a year to prompt the exploration of new frontiers of education, the COVID-19 Year has been it. That’s why DxR Development Group is attending NONPF’s 47th Annual Conference this April 21-24. NONPF is ‘The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties’, one of whose goals is to ‘promote excellence in NP education through the creation of evidence-based strategies and resources.’

Stop by our booth and we can show you how DxR has been anticipating new educational realities and environments since practically before the Internet. DxR Clinician Virtual Patient cases are ideally designed for distance learning, ‘Zoom classes’, individual assignments, and making up for missed or unschedule-able clinical experience. 

See how DxR Clinician Virtual Patient cases, administration, and record keeping functions all work together to enhance student’s critical thinking skills and clinical reasoning. 

We are setting up our NONPF Conference virtual booth.
Follow DxR Group on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for updates!

Talk to you soon! 

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